
Hip-Hop Hat

Hip-Hop (street dance or street dancing) was born in the end of 1963s, is a dance of American black urban poor people , then it is  summarized as a part of Hip-Hop culture in 1970s, this street dance with strong performances,  participation and competition .dancing this street dance make people focus , have a strong interest ,moving beautiful and free ,able to train a person's willpower, also allows the brain to missing and the creativity to the limit. then followed the Hip-Hop cap was born in the 21st century .
dancing hat
With the development of the times, more and more people like wearing Hip-Hop hat, so this Hip-Hop cap loved by the majority of the people .in most people eyes this hat seems  not just a hat but a fashion . 
Hip-Hop cap
Hip-Hop cap gradually integrated into people's lives.As the most popular elements of 21st century .
Hip-Hop hat
Welcome to design and custom all style cap at madeinchinacaps.com 

